Meet the MVCC Team

Contact info for all MVCC Staff, let the pros at MVCC help you with your video, technology, or training needs.


Administrative Assistant
Jenny is the Administrative Assistant at MVCC and has been with the organization since 2017. Her primary responsibilities include providing support to the Business Manager and Executive Director. Jenny enjoys spending time with her husband and her dogs.


Government Production Technican
Richard joined the Miami Valley Communications Council in 1995 and currently serves as a Government Producer. He has watched MVCC advance through seven tape formats and seven different edit systems to become one of Ohio’s best local access facilities. He says the free podcast workshop at MVCC is a great way to get started in digital media and to tell your story.


Government Production Supervisor & Chief Engineer
Greg joined the team at MVCC in 2023. He offers his technical knowledge and expertise to help advance our services and keep the cameras rolling. He enjoys working with the community, finding new ways to help turn their visions into reality. In his free time, you can often find him in the kitchen making food from scratch.


Master Control Operator
As a Master Control Operator, John works to maintain the broadcast channels striving for a professional appearance. He is a graduate of Wright State University, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communication.


Program Director
Ray started MVCC in 1995. As Programming Supervisor, he schedules programs for the four channels (2 government, 1 educational, and 1 community). Also, he supervises the Master Control department that put the programs on the air (prerecorded and LIVE) and monitor the quality of the shows/LIVE meetings/LIVE events.


Government Production Technician
Liberty has worked with MVCC since 2010. She began as a student intern from the Fairmont CTC Interactive Media program. She is a Volunteer Coordinator. She introduces new volunteers to basic video production concepts, equipment, and act as a guide through their time at MVCC’s public access facility. She has a background in graphic design and loves artistic expression.


Municipal Training Coordinator
After spending 20 years in public education, as a teacher and school administrator, Jodi joined MVCC in January 2020. Jodi works in collaboration with local city HR directors in providing training and recertification opportunities for all local government employees and elected officials. She is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University, has a Master’s in Educational Leadership and an Ohio Principal’s License. Outside of MVCC, she is active in her community and spends time with her children, family, and friends.


Volunteer Coordinator
As a Volunteer Coordinator Mike started working for MVCC in 1997, while still a junior at Miamisburg High School. From 1999 till mid-2019, he worked for ABC, NBC News, and CBS Sports in Dayton and Cincinnati, OH. Returning to MVCC in 2019, Mike is now the  Volunteer Coordinator while also assisting in master control and technical assistance with city council meetings and other productions.


Technology Supervisor/Webgeek
Tom has been with MVCC since 2001, following a stint with the NCR Corporation. I am the manager for along with several other municipal related websites.  I enjoy watching my kids participate in sports and enjoy dabbling in the game of golf. I am the world's #1 Cleveland Browns fan and a proud graduate of "The" Wright State University with a B.A. in Political Science.


Accounting/Business Supervisor
Sheila Tracy, Business Accounting Supervisor, has been with MVCC since 2001. Her primary responsibilities include all facets of the budget and financial management of MVCC. She enjoys watching and being part of the progress MVCC has made with telecommunications in the Fiber Network and the several joint projects MVCC coordinates with member cities.


Executive Director
Jay holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh and an MPA from the University of Cincinnati. He served as Deputy City Manager forf the City of Oakwood for more than 35 years. Jay began his duties as MVCC’s Executive Director in January of 2019.

Get in touch

Drop us an email, give us a ring. Office hours are M-F 8:00  pm - 5:00  pm or catch up with a specific staff member below.
(937) 438-8887

MVCC on a Map

1195 E. Alex Bell Rd.  Centerville, OH 45458

E-mail Us

Have a question or concern, drop us an email on our general contact form below. We will check it out and put you in contact with the correct person here at MVCC.
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